see what god
can do through you

A Church plant
in the heart of
harford county maryland

dwell city worship nights
coming soon

Come join us for a night of music, prayer, and encouragement as we gather together in community. This family friendly event is free and open to the public.

Date, time, and location tbd

check back often as we fill in the details

Expositional Preaching

Intentional discipleship

genuine community

persistent prayer

gifting enablement

Expositional Preaching Intentional discipleship genuine community persistent prayer gifting enablement

integrated outreach

wholistic impact

vibrant worship

missional partnerships

integrated outreach wholistic impact vibrant worship missional partnerships

A Short Intro About Who We Are

ways to partner with us

click on a partnership pathway to get started

Be present with us. We enjoy your fellowship and encouragement

We firmly believe in the power of prayer and ask for your commitment to stand with us in prayer daily

We value your commitment to give either single gifts or recurring gifts as we move toward self-sustainability

We welcome mission teams and those interested in physically helping us engage our city with the gospel of Christ

Help us spread the word. Post on social media. Know of a church who would like to support a church plant? Let us know!

Willing to let us use your facility for training or special events? We’d love to talk to you about it!

see what god can do through you

see what god can do through you

see what god can do through you

see what god can do through you

meet the leaders

Pastor Steven and Julia were married in 2008. They have served together both overseas and stateside and have been involved in ministry for over 20 years. Steven is a former Air Force pilot and completed his PhD in systematic theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Julia has a master’s in professional counseling and a master’s in school counseling. They have three children: Hannah, Jacob, and Micah. They enjoy writing music, traveling, and trying new restaurants.

the wilhoits

Pastor Chris and Lori were married in 2000. They have served in various church plants and have been in ministry for over 20 years. They are passionate about discipleship and building community in the church. Chris has a bachelor’s degree in theology from Boyce College and a master’s in computer science. Lori is pursuing her degree in Biblical Counseling. They have four children: Seth, Caleb, Nathan, and Grace. They enjoy exploring new places, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

the myers

dwell city vision statement

our vision is to be a light for the nations, a community rich in faith and abundant in love, bringing the good news of jesus christ for the joy of all peoples.

our mission

we exist to declare and demonstrate new life in christ in order to be a blessing to the nations


become the trophy of god


belong to the family of god


believe the word of god


behold the glory of god